I was extremely shocked at the results of my footprint quiz. The results showed if everyone had my lifestyle it would take 4 planet earths to support my energy supply. I find that very shocking because I live a small apartment that I believe does not require a lot of energy to heat or power. I know what actions probably have the largest impact on planet Earth; I hardly use public transportation and because I my hectic schedule I find that I never car pool with anyone because I am always running from point A to point B.
The results also showed it takes 18 acres of land to support my lifestyle. Also, my lifestyle produces almost 19 tons of carbon dioxide! Most of the acres, once again, are used for energy. Another habit of mine that leaves a large footprint is not eating mostly local grown foods. unfortunately most of the foods I eat are not locally grown or fresh. If I could replace the frozen pizzas and chicken nuggets with fresh fruits, vegetable, locally grown foods I could cut down my footprint because gas would not be used to ship my foods across the country. Not to mention my nutrition would be improved!
I believe the two things such as trying harder to use public transportation, riding my bike, or car pooling to places such the grocery store with roommates and also making an effort to eat local foods will make a difference in reducing my ecological footprint.