Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change Week 3: Weekly Updates

My SMART Goal was to once again take the bus to and from the UMD campus 3 times per week.

I felt I did much better this week. I actually met my goal! What helped me greatly was planning ahead. I would wake up ten minutes earlier so I wouldn't have to rush to catch the bus and it seemed to work. I also did not have such a busy week, so it was much easier to take the bus because I did not obligations directly after class that I had to rush off to.

Sometimes while I was waiting out in the bitter cold, I would think I could be in my warm car driving right now. It was hard to resist the urge to walk back home and get in my car. Once I was on the bus and a little warmer, I was proud that resisted the temptation because I was one step closer to meeting my goal.

I learned this week, that taking the bus is not that difficult, it is actually quite easy and quite convenient. I was timing my commute and if I count the time it would take for me to walk to my car in the parking lot and then drive home it takes almost the same amount of time to take the bus. I also do not have to deal with headache of parking at UMD. The buses run so often that I do not have to wait to long to catch a bus to and from school. Also, the weather and roads were not to pleasant this past week, so I really enjoyed not having to drive and just taking the bus, It was a lot less stressful!

Blogged for the Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change Week 2 hosted by Amy@Amy in the Rain

Since I completed my goal this week, I am going to up the ante and shoot for taking the bus 4 times per week to and from campus.