Sunday, October 24, 2010

Share and Voice: Poisioned for Profit

I thought this book looked very interesting:

Poisoned for Profit is a book about how environmental toxins are making children seriously ill. For example, there are higher rates of cancer and birth defects. I was reading the synopsis of this book and it reminded me of the film, Green, we just watched in class. I was outraged and could not believe what type of environment the people we living in; and they are simply trapped helpless there. No one is helping them relocate and they are just being ignored; it makes me sick to think about it. This book includes what type of toxins are in our environment, such as the one s found in our yard, home, and other unsuspecting places. It also talks about how the evidence of environmental toxins are being covered up; this how the companies that make these toxins continue to stay in business. Finally, the book offers solutions of how to avoid these deadly toxins and what can be down to stop the companies that pollute our environment.

This book looks extremely interesting and I plan on reading it in the near future, and suggest you give a try also :)


  1. This book really does look interesting. I might have to find it too!

  2. This sounds like a good one. I found a new book i would like to start reading as well. It kind of goes along with all the movies we've been's called, "Skinny Bitch."

  3. Wow, sounds like a great book. Maybe it should be added to the book list. Perhaps that will be my next read. If you get it, can I borrow it when your done?

  4. This does sound interesting. Isn't funny how so many things tie together now? We never heard of half this stuff and now we connect the dots all over. You will have to update us if you start to read it.
