Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Share and Voice: YouTube Video: Trash to Treaure

So I was on YouTube today and this popped up while I was searching something else. This video may be a little ridiculous but I think it has good intentions behind it and it has a good message for all of us to ingrain in our minds. In fact, the main chorus is can be quite catchy so perhaps you'll here these guys in your head when you are about to throw something recyclable in the trash :)


  1. very good blog, congratulations
    regard from Reus Catalonia
    thank you

  2. Haha, very nice. I agree, a little cheesy-especially the guitar hero player, but it has a good meaning behind it. I like the line that says "if we stuck this out together there's a chance that we could win it." This is so true, if we just all worked together to help the environment, maybe we'd actually get somewhere!

  3. I thought this was hilarious. You wonder what gave them the idea to do this video? I liked the lyrics. It is true that we can turn trash to treasure by recycling and reusuing. I also like how they make the point to say to help your friends and make sure they recycle. I definitely they hit in on the spot with the lyrics...but their dance moves, well not so much. Thanks for sharing!

  4. I really enjoyed your video Sarah. I thought that it was very funny, but it still had a good and relevant message. It's funny, we all know to recycle and reuse but just sitting in the food court I saw so many people throwing away recyclable stuff when the recycling bin was 2 feet away. I think that maybe having a silly video or something might make people remember to do so.

  5. Haha yes, a little ridiculous but that's how they wanted to get the message across I guess. I agree, helping each other will help us all get somewhere.
